Course Overview

What will you learn, who is the class for, and what texts will be used.

What you will learn

This course is an introduction to Catholic Morality. It introduces the central questions and topics of morality including theological anthropology, freedom for excellence and freedom of indifference, the parts of a human act, natural law, sin and virtue, conscience, the four cardinal virtues and the three theological virtues, and the Ten Commandments. It will compare moral relativism with objective moral truth, reflecting on Scripture, reason, and the Catholic moral tradition as sources for determining moral action in the context of following Christ.

Who this class is for

This class is appropriate for adults wishing to deepen their understanding of the Catholic moral tradition. It is particularly suited to catechists or those training to be catechists in schools or parishes. It is also excellent for high school students.

Texts you will use

Obtain the following books and check the syllabus or each lesson for your reading assignments.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Servais Pinckaers, Morality: The Catholic View. South Bend, Indiana: The Augustine Press, 2001.

Steven J. Jensen, Living the Good Life: A Beginner’s Thomistic Ethics. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2013.

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