How do we rebuild trust?

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Photo: Shuttershock

Here are steps we can take, in our families and in the church

Betrayal hurts families in many ways. Extramarital affairs, financial infidelity and untreated addictions break trust between husbands and wives. Teenagers can lose their parents’ trust, and parents can also lose their children’s trust. In our church family this year, we have felt the painful sting of betrayal keenly as patterns of hierarchical cover-up of sexual abuse and clerical unchastity came to light.

The church is a wife, too. Ephesians 5:25–28 and Revelation 21:2 are examples of Scripture verses that refer to the church as the Bride of Christ. This year, we the church are in the position of a wife who realizes she has been deceived, and we are now experiencing a wide-scale sense of betrayal trauma.

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